Forschung DSF No. 53

Forschung DSF No. 53

Hilde van Meegdenburg, Bernhard Zangl und Benjamin Daßler: Humanitarian Interventions: Saving Close and Distant Strangers


Forschung DSF No. 52

Forschung DSF No. 52

Dr. Véronique Dudouet and Karin Göldner-Ebenthal: Salafi-jihadi armed groups – (De)escalation paths and entry points for third-party engagement


Forschung DSF No. 51

Forschung DSF No. 51

Anna Heise, Gerald Kirchner: Machbarkeitsstudie zur Nutzung des Radioisotops Argon-37 im Rahmen des Verifikationsregimes des Umfassenden Kernwaffenteststopp-Vertrags


Forschung DSF No. 50

Forschung DSF No. 50

Ulrike Krause: Gender Relations in Confined Spaces
Conditions, Scope and Forms of Sexual Violence against
Women in Conflict-related Refugee Camps


Forschung DSF No. 49

Forschung DSF No. 49

Birgit Bräuchler: Indigenous media and conflict transformation in Indonesia


Forschung DSF No. 48

Forschung DSF No. 48

Jürgen Altmann: Armed Uninhabited Vehicles – Dangers and Preventive Arms Control


Forschung DSF No. 47

Forschung DSF No. 47

Janel B. Galvanek and Katrin Planta: Peaceful Coexistence? – ‘Traditional’ and
‘Non-traditional’ Conflict Resolution Mechanisms


Forschung DSF No. 46

Forschung DSF No. 46

Malte Göttsche, Frederik Postelt, Gerald Kirchner: Verifikation nuklearer Abrüstung:
Herausforderungen, Lösungsansätze und Grenzen
der Kernwaffenauthentifizierung


Forschung DSF No. 45

Forschung DSF No. 45

Anna Geis, Katarina Ristić, Vladimir Petrović: “’Screening’ Transitional Justice in Serbia. ICTY Representations and the Memory of War Crimes in Serb Television Media”


Forschung DSF No. 44

Forschung DSF No. 44

Matthias Dembinski/Thorsten Gromes: Ein Datensatz der humanitären militärischen Interventionen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg