Gewalt und die Rolle von Religionen in Südafrika
Jena, 07.-09. April 2016
Projektleiter: Prof . Dr. Martin Leiner, Theologische Fakultät der Universität Jena
Fördersumme: 12 TSd. Euro
Jena, 07.-09. April 2016
Projektleiter: Prof . Dr. Martin Leiner, Theologische Fakultät der Universität Jena
Fördersumme: 12 TSd. Euro
Homepage des Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies (JCRS)
Youtube-Kanal des JCRS
“Confession, forgiveness and reconciliation in the lives of nations are not just airy-fairy religious and spiritual things, nebulous and unrealistic. They are the stuff of practical politics.” (Tutu 2002, 351.)
The conference had an explorative conception with the overall aim to discuss methodological questions and possibilities for the research of the “role of religions after conflicts” to support the discussion concerning the content in this interdisciplinary context.
It had a focus on the research of the role of religions in South Africa and their ambivalent influence on conflicts, “violence circles” and peace in a micro-level analysis. Therefore, the causes and consequences of conflicts and violence from a micro-level-perspective, including the importance of retributive justice, were issues of the conference.
The project is a cooperation of theological and economical scientists and there should be further projects coming.
There have been presentations (chronologically) of Dr. Helga Dickow, Prof. Ralf K. Wüstenberg, Prof. Christo Thesnaar, Dr. J. Tarusarira, Prof. D. Smit, Prof. Andreas Freytag, Prof. Martin Leiner and Prof. Stan Du Plessis.