Heidelberger Dialog zur internationalen Sicherheit 2018: Grenzen – Konflikte, Klärung, Konsequenzen
Projektleiterin: Dr. Magdalena Kirchner, Forum für internationale Sicherheit Heidelberg e.V
Projekttyp: Vernetzungsförderung
Fördersumme: 2 Tsd. Euro
Veranstaltung: Heidelberg, 09. bis 11. November 2018
Heidelberger Dialog zur internationalen Sicherheit 2018: Grenzen – Konflikte, Klärung, Konsequenzen
Projektleiterin: Dr. Magdalena Kirchner, Forum für internationale Sicherheit Heidelberg e.V
Projekttyp: Vernetzungsförderung
Fördersumme: 2 Tsd. Euro
Veranstaltung: Heidelberg, 09. bis 11. November 2018
von Autonomiekonflikten“, is under the direction of Prof. Dr. med. Sabine Riedel (Professor of Political Science at the University of Magdeburg and Senior Researcher at the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik). Her aim is to discuss diplomatic strategies to resolve autonomy conflicts using the examples of Ukraine, Spain and the United Kingdom.
The program on Saturday finishes with a “Social Event”, which offers the participants the opportunity of an informal exchange. Additionally, three short lectures by three speakers provide insights into different regional perspectives on borders. Elif Askin (Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and Public Law and International Law), Felix Schulte (Lecturer for Comparative Politics at the Institute for Political Science of the University of Heidelberg) and Abhimanyu Pandey (PhD student at the South Asia Institute of the University of Heidelberg) display their individual perspectives on the topic.
After the presentation of the workshop groups on November 11, all participants are taking part in a mediation workshop. The practice-oriented workshop deals with mediation as a possible method of mediating conflicts. After a theoretical introduction to the communication techniques of mediation, they are actively tested in group and role-playing games.
The Heidelberg Dialogue is conducted in friendly cooperation with the ZEIT Foundation Ebelin and Gerd Bucerius, the Institute for Political Science Heidelberg, the Karl Jaspers Center of Asia and Europe in a Global Context, the Catholic University Center Heidelberg and the German Foundation for Peace Research, which enable the event in this form.
Registration and further information about the program can be found at www.fis-hd.de