Projektpublikationen aus dem Jahr 2021
aus Forschungsprojekten erschienen
Ankenbrand, Christina, Zabrina Welter und Nina Engwicht. 2021. Formalization as a tool for environmental peacebuilding? Artisanal and small-scale mining in Liberia and Sierra Leone, International Affairs, 1/2021, S. 35ff. Link.
Ankenbrand, Christina, Zabrina Welter und Nina Engwicht. 2021. Mining for peace? The formalization of artisanal and small-scale mining. International Affairs Blog , 08.02.2021. Link.
Ankenbrand, Christina, Zabrina Welter und Nina Engwicht. 2021. Friedensförderung durch Formalisierung? Perspektiven im Kleinbergbau. Friedensakademie Rheinland-Pflanz Blog, 02.03.2021. Link.
Aust, Helmut und Esra Demir-Gürsel. 2021. The European Court of Human Rights Current Challenges in Historical Perspective. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. Link.
Baumeister, Martin und Benjamin Ziemann. 2021. Introduction: Peace Movements in Southern Europe during the 1970s and 1980s. In: Journal of Contemporary History, 56(3), 563–578. Link.
Bonfreschi, Lucia. 2021. ‘Against Any Army’: Italian Radical Party’s Antimilitarism from the 1960s to the Early 1980s’, In: Journal of Contemporary History, 56(3), S. 595–616. Link.
Clavarino, Lodovica. 2021. Italian Physicists and the Bomb: Edoardo Amaldi’s Network for Arms Control and Peace during the Cold War. In: Journal of Contemporary History, S. 56(3), 665–692. Link.
Karamouzi, Eirini. 2021. ‘Out With the Bases of Death’: Civil Society and Peace Mobilization in Greece During the 1980s. In: Journal of Contemporary History, S. 56(3), 617–638. Link.
Kornetis, Kostis. 2021. Cultural Resistances in Post-Authoritarian Greece: Protesting the Turkish Invasion of Cyprus in 1974. In: Journal of Contemporary History, S. 56(3), 639–664. Link.
Lomellini, Valentine. 2021. Under Attack? The PCI and the Italian Peace Movement in the 1980s. In: Journal of Contemporary History, S. 56(3), 579–594. Link.
Quaggio, Giulia. 2021. Walls of Anxiety: The Iconography of Anti-NATO protests in Spain, 1981–6. Journal of Contemporary History, 56(3), 693–719. Link.
Engwicht, Nina und Christina Ankenbrand. 2021. Natural Resource Sector Reform and Human Security in Post-Conflict Societies: Insights from Diamond Mining in Sierra Leone. In: The Extractive Industries and Society Volume 8, Issue 4. Link.
Ros-Tonen, Mirjam A.F., Christina Ankenbrand und Filipe Calvão. 2021. Extractive Industries and Human Security [Special Section]. In: The Extractive Industries and Society, Volume 8, Issue 4. Link.
Calvão, Filipe, Christina Ankenbrand, Mirjam A.F. Ros–Tonen und Michael D. Beevers. 2021. Extractive industries and human security: An overview, The Extractive Industries and Society, Volume 8, Issue 4. Link.
De Juan, Alexander, Felix Haass und Jan Pierskalla. 2021. The Partial Effectiveness of Indoctrination in Autocracies: Evidence from the German Democratic Republic. World Politics, 73(4), 593-628. Link.
Distler, Werner und Miriam Tekath. 2021. Robuste Mandate, Robustes Wissen? Mali-Mandate im Bundestag (2013-2021), CCS Policy Paper No. 6, Philipps Universität Marburg. Link.
Harig, Christopher. 2021. Die Schattenseite robuster Friedensmissionen. PEACELAB Blog des Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi), 29.03.2021. Link.
Kelle, Alexander. 2021. Deutschland und das Verbot chemischer Waffen – zwischen Kontinuität und Neuausrichtung, in C. Fichtlscherer u.a.: Rüstungskontrolle für die nächste Bundesregierung. Ein Empfehlungsbericht, In: IFSH Research Report #006, Hamburg, Juni 2021, S. 36-41, Link.
Kelle, Alexander. 2021. Chemiewaffeneinsätze aufklären und ahnden – Syrien als Testfall für das Weltrechtsprinzip? In: IFSH Policy Brief 3/21, Hamburg, Juni 2021, Link.
Langer, Phil C., Aisha-Nusrat Ahmad, Ulrike Auge und Khesraw Majidi. (Hrsg.) 2021. Jugend in Afghanistan. Ringen um Zukunft in Zeiten des Krieges. Gießen: Psychosozial-Verlag. Link.
Logo, Kuyang Harriet. 2021. The Political Stakes of Displacement in South Sudan. Veröffentlichung des ABI (Arnold Bergstraesser Institute). Link.
Takaindisa, Joyce. 2021. The Political Stakes of Displacement and Migration in / from Zimbabwe. Veröffentlichung des ABI (Arnold Bergstraesser Institute). Link.
Mathias Pilch, Jürgen Altmann und Dieter Suter. 2021. Survey of the Status of Small Armed and Unarmed Uninhabited Aircraft Preventive Arms Control for Small and Very Small Armed Aircraft and Missiles. Eldorado, Fakultät Physik. Report Nr.1. Link.
Mehrl, Marius und Paul W. Thurner. 2021. The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Global Armed Conflict: Early Evidence. Political Studies Review 19(2): 286–293.
Mehltretter, Andreas. 2021. Arming for Conflict, Arming for Peace? How Small Arms Imports Affect Intrastate Conflict Risk. In: Conflict Management and Peace Science, 39(6), 637–660.
Fritz, Cornelius, Marius Mehrl, Paul W. Thurner und Göran Kauermann. 2021. The Role of Governmental Weapons Procurements in Forecasting Monthly Fatalities in Intrastate Conflicts. In: International Interactions, 29.11.2021. Link.
Mehltretter, Andreas. 2021. Arming for Conflict: Small Arms Imports and the Onset of Intrastate Violence. In: Conflict Management and Peace Science, 16.11.2021. Link.
Meier, Oliver und Alexander Kelle. 2021. The Navalny poisoning: Moscow evades accountability and mocks the Chemical Weapons Convention. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 19.10.2021. Link.
Dornschneider, Stephanie, Miles Hewstone, Oliver Christ, Sarina Schäfer, Samer Halabi und Danit Sobol-Sarag. 2021. Can Jews and Palestinians live peacefully in Israel? The data on mixed neighborhoods says yes. The Washington Post, 04.06.2021. Link.
Schäfer, Sabrina J., Mathias Kauff, Francesca Prati, Mathijs Kros, Timothy Lang und Oliver Christ. 2021. Does negative contact undermine attempts to improve intergroup relations? Deepening the understanding of negative contact and its consequences for intergroup contact research and interventions. Journal of Social Issues. 77: 197ff. Link.
Rudolph, Lukas, Markus Freitag und Paul W. Thurner. 2021. The Comparative Legitimacy of Arms Exports – A Conjoint Experiment in Germany and France, SocArXix Papers. Link.
Saalfeld, Jannis. 2021. Inter-Secular Party Competition and the (Non-)Formation of Salafi-Jihadist Milieus: Evidence from Tanzania and Kenya, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, in: Studies in Conflict & Terrorism. Link.
Schutte, Sebastian , Constantin Ruhe und Andrew M. Linke. 2021. How indiscriminate violence fuels conflicts between groups: Evidence from Kenya. Social Science Research, 2021, 102653. Link.
Krause, Ulrike und Nadine Segadlo. 2021. Conflict, Displacement … and Peace? A Critical Review of Research Debates, In: Refugee Survey Quarterly, Volume 40, Issue 3, September 2021, Pages 271–292, Link.
Segadlo, Nadine. 2021. (Ir)Relevance of Peace? Reflecting Debates about Peace and Conflict in Forced Migration Studies, FluchtforschungsBlog, 21.09.2021, Link.
Segadlo, Nadine, Ulrike Krause, Franzisca Zanker und Hannah Edler. 2021. “Everyone was overwhelmed by the fears and the panic of the unknown disease”. Kenyan Refugee Protection and the COVID-19 Pandemic. IMIS Working Paper 10, Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien (IMIS) der Universität Osnabrück. Link.
Segadlo, Nadine, Ulrike Krause, Franzisca Zanker und Hannah Edler. 2021. Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on refugees and their protection in Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa and Zimbabwe, ABI Working Papers No. 18, Link.
Krause, Ulrike, Nadine Segadlo und Franzisca Zanker. 2021. Press Release, “Studie: Corona-Pandemie hat weitreichende Folgen für Geflüchtete in afrikanischen Staaten “, Universität Osnabrück, Link.
Ulrike Krause, Nadine Segadlo und Franzisca Zanker. 2021. Forschungen zur Situation in afrikanischen Flüchtlingscamps, Interview Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Link.
Wunderlich, Carmen, Harald Müller, Una Jakob. 2021. WMD Compliance and Enforcement in a Changing Global Context, Geneva: UNIDIR. Link.
Moyo, Khangelani, Kalyango Ronald Sebba und Franzisca Zanker. 2021. Who is watching? Refugee protection during a pandemic – responses from Uganda and South Africa, In: Comparative Migration Studies, 9, 37, S. 1-19.
Zanker, Franzisca. 2021. Südafrika: Gestrandet am Kap der guten Hoffnung. Geflüchtete und der UNHCR in Südafrika, in: iz3W 385, S.10f. Link.
Zanker, Franzisca. 2021. African perspectives on migration: Re-centring Southern Africa, in: Migration Studies, Juni 2021, Onlineveröffentlichung. Link.
Zanker, Franzisca. 2021. “Nowhere to be found”: Three Decades of UNHCR in South Africa, Völkerrechtsblog. Link.
Zettl, Kathrin. 2021. Macht im Cyberspace: Eine Übersicht der bisherigen Forschung und künftiger Perspektiven anhand des Proxy-Konzepts. Zeintschrift für Friedens- und Konflforschung. Link.
Kreikemeyer, Anna. 2021. Frieden von unten. In: Frankfurter Rundschau, 26.09.2021. Link.
Kreikemeyer, Anna und Karolina Kluczewska. 2021. Advancing Peacebuilding from the Ground up, in: Policy Brief 04|21, Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg. Link / engl. Version.