Projektpublikationen aus dem Jahr 2023
aus Forschungsprojekten erschienen
Altmann, Jürgen und Dieter Suter. 2023. Small and Very Small Armed Aircraft and
Missiles: Trends in Technology and Preventive Arms Control, Preventive Arms Control for Small and Very Small Armed Aircraft and Missiles – Report No. 3, Chair Experimental Physics 3, TU Dortmund University, Link.
Bayer, Markus, Aurel Croissant, Roya Izadi und Nikitas Scheeder. 2023. Multidimensional Measures of Militarization (M3): A Global Dataset. Armed Forces & Society, 0(0).
Bayer, Markus, Felix S. Bethke, Aurel Croissant, Nikitas Scheeder. 2023. Back in Business or Never Out? Military Coups and Political Militarization in Sub-Sahara Africa, In: PRIF Spotlight 13/2023, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifspot2313
Distler, Werner und Miriam Tekath. 2023. Knowledge and the governing of the interventionary object Mali in the German parliament. European Journal of International Security, S.1-18. Link.
Demirci, Irem, Clara Perras, Victoria Scheyer und Simone Wisotzki. 2023. Backlash against and Resistance to Feminist Peacebuilding. PRIF Report, 6/2023. Link.
Domann,Valentin und Henning Nuissl und Antonie Schmiz. 2023. Frakturen überwinden – Neuer Lokalismus als Heuristik und Instrument zur produktiven Konfliktbearbeitung? In: Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning. Link.
Harig, Christoph. 2023. What Difference Does it Make? UN Peacekeeping’s Impact on Civil-Military Relations in Troop-Contributing Countries, in: Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, Online-Publikation. Link.
Hoster, Johannes, Sara Al-Sayed, Felix Biessmann, Alexander Glaser, Kristian Hildebrand, Igor Moric und Tuong Vy Nguyen. 2023. “Using Game Engines and Machine Learning to Create Synthetic Satellite Imagery for a Nuclear Verification Tabletop Exercise.” In: INMM & ESARDA Joint Annual Meeting. Wien, Mai 2023. Link.
Nguyen, Tuong Vy, Alexander Glaser und Felix Biessmann. 2023. “Generating Synthetic Satellite Imagery with Deep-Learning Text-to-Image Models: Technical Challenges and Implications for Monitoring and Verification.” In: INMM & ESARDA Joint Annual Meeting. Wien, Mai 2023. Link.
Jakob, Una. 2022. The Biological Weapons Convention , in: Marauhn, Thilo; Myjer, Eric (Hg.): Research Handbook on Arms Control Law, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 258 – 277.
Kelle, Alexander. 2023. The CWC at 25: from verification of chemical-weapons destruction to attribution of their use, April 2023. In: The Nonproliferation Review. Link.
Lambach, Daniel, Jakob Landwehr-Matlé und Kai Oppermann. 2023. Narratives of “Tech Wars”: Technological Competition, Power Shifts and Conflict Dynamics Between the US, China and the EU, In: EasyChair Preprint, Link.
Leib, Julia. 2023. “Of Peacekeepers and Pandemics: How Covid-19 Changed Strategic Communication of the UN Mission in South Sudan.” Global Governance 29 (1): 11-26.
Leib, Julia. 2023. “Of Peacekeepers and Pandemics: How Covid-19 Changed Strategic Communication of the UN Mission in South Sudan.” Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations 29 (1): 11-36.
Edler, Hannah. 2023. Report about the 2nd Workshop on “African Forced Migration Studies in Germany” focusing on Peace and Forced Migration. 2nd Workshop on African Forced Migration Studies in Germany: Peace and Forced Migration, Osnabrück: Osnabrück University. Link.
Krause, Ulrike und Nadine Segadlo. 2023. Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. In: Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung. Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium, Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 53-60. Link.
Krause, Ulrike, Edler, Hannah und Segadlo, Nadine. 2023. ‘Vielfalt von Friedens(be)deutungen in Fluchtsituationen’, FluchtforschungsBlog, 21.09.2023. Link.
Werning, Anna. 2023. ‘Report about the symposium on “Refugees and Peace: Situated Knowledge, Lived Experience, and Gender Dynamics”’, OsnaDocs Konferenzbericht (Osnabrück: Osnabrück University). Link.
Krohn, Juliana und Christina Pauls. 2023. Friedensbildung otherwise?. Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 12, 5–30 (2023). Link.
Mehltretter, Andreas, Paul W. Thurner, Oliver Pamp, Paul Binder. 2023. Rebels’ Armament Dataset (RAD) Codebook. Link.
Mehltretter, Andreas and Pamp, Oliver and Thurner, Paul and Binder, Paul. 2023, Introducing the Rebels Armament Dataset (RAD): Collecting Evidence on Rebel Military Capabilities (August 10, 2023). Available at SSRN:
Nestler, Nina. 2023. Dual-Use-Risiko im Strafrecht, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, Link.
Rudolph, Lukas, Markus Freitag und Paul W. Thurner. 2023. Deontological and consequentialist preferences towards arms exports: Acomparative conjoint experiment in France and Germany. In: European Journal of Political Research (Onlinepublikation), 31.07.2023, Link.
Rupp, Christina und Dr. Alexandra Paulus. 2023. Offcial Public Political Attribution of Cyber Operations. State of Play and Policy Options. Stiftung Neue Verantwortung – October 12, 2023. Link.
Saalfeld, Jannis und Mwakimako Hassan. 2023. Integrationism vs. rejectionsim: Revisiting the history of Islamist activism in coastal Kenya. In: Journal of Eastern African Studies. Link.
Schönenberg, Kim Hella. Glaesmer, Heide. Nesterko, Yuriy. 2023. Dimensionale Erfassung des individuellen Erlebens kriegs- und vertreibungsbezogener sexualisierter Gewalt und ihrer Folgen bei männlichen Betroffenen: Eine narrative Literaturübersicht. In: Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol, 73(2), 53-61. Link.
Schönenberg, Kim Hella. Glaesmer, Heide. Nesterko, Yuriy. 2023. Mental health of recently arrived male refugees in Germany reporting sexual violence. In: Med Confl Surviv, 39(1), 4-27. Link.
Zettl-Schabath, Kerstin. 2023. Proxy Wars in Cyber-Space. In: Routledge Handbook of Proxy Wars. Routledge: London. 1st Edition. Link.
Zettl-Schabath, Kerstin, und Sebastian Harnisch. 2023. One Year of Hostilities in Ukraine: Nine Notes on Cyber Operations. Spotlight Article, European Repository of Cyber Incidents (EuRepoC). Link.
Aus Tagungen und Vernetzungsprojekten hervorgegangene Publikationen
Bögner, Marius Eike. 2023. Tagungsbericht: Peace and conflict resolution in rural areas: Challenges for the implementation of UNDROP, 17./18.11.2022, Göttingen. AUR-Forum. Agrar- und Umweltrecht 53: 135-140.
Abb, Pascal, Irene Weipert-Fenner, Jonas Wolff und Jonas J. Driedger. 2023. International Conference – Dealing with Autocracies in a Fragmented World. (Tagungsbericht).
Pace, Michelle und Christian Achrainer. 2023. EU Democracy Support in the Southern Neighborhood: How the EU Contradicts its own Practices. in: PRIF Blog. Link.
Suh, Elisabeth und Carmen Wunderlich. 2023. Herausforderungen eines dritten Nuklearzeitalters – Fachtagung der Universität Duisburg-Essen und International Students/Young Pugwash, Berlin, 31. Oktober – 2. November 2022. In: Wissenschaft & Frieden 2023/1 Jenseits der Eskalation, 61f. Link.
Wissenschaft und Frieden (W&F). 2023. “Jubiläumsheft 40 Jahre W&F.” Wissenschaft und Frieden 4 (2023).